Sample Meal Plan for Powerlifters
Nutritional Needs: Energy Requirements: Powerlifting is a competition that is at a very high intensity but only for a short duration. This means that during competitions, Powerlifters use the Creatine Phosphate system. As for training, Powerlifters tend to use the Creatine Phosphate and Anaerobic Glycolysis depending on their cycle and what kind of resistance training their doing (i.e. strength phase, hypertrophy, etc.) Amount of Nutrients: Assuming the Powerlifter is reaching a peak in his cycle (undulating periodization) I would recommend having them consume 45 kcal/kg (upper amount recommended) per day. This would insure that they are receiving an adequate amount of nutrients. More specifically, I would tell my athlete to consume a total amount of 7 g/kg CHO per day, 2 g/kg PRO per day, and 1 g/kg Fat per day. In other words, if my athlete was 185lbs (~84 kg), I would recommend them to make sure and get 588g of CHO, 16...